W3C Season 15 - Tichondrius The Immortal Update
Ladder Update
Rankings reset
There will be no MMR reset in any melee mode except for FFA.
There will be a 100% MMR Reset for melee FFA.
As in our previous seasons, we generally don’t intend to reset MMR so that we can keep matchmaking quality high.
There will be a 100% MMR Reset for melee Survival Chaos.
There will be a 25% MMR Reset in Legion TD 1v1.
There will be a 25% MMR Reset in Legion TD 4v4 RT.
There will be a 25% MMR Reset for Legion TD 4v4 Arranged Teams.
Rankings and RP will be fully reset in all modes so the leaderboards should still look fresh after the reset since the activity is rewarded more at the start of each season!
Season end tournament
The W3Champions Finals - Our well loved friends, Back2Warcraft are bringing Season 14 to a close with a tournament organized by them and crowdfunded by the community.
It concludes a 12-week-long ladder season, giving a chance to the top 16 players to fight for the top spot. It will be played on the W3Champions FLO servers as always.
Season 13 finals saw the Emperor Happy take on the the upcoming Nightelf Sini in a decisive 4-0 victory and retaining his crown as the W3Champion. Happy has won 4 back to back titles in the W3C Finals.
Can anyone stop this guy? Will it be his 5th now?
After listening to your feedback, we made some changes for the W3Champions Season Finals!
Previously, the Ranks 5-16 were placed in a Play-In stage at Weekend 1 to determine the Top 8 for Weekend 2. You also held reservations against the Double Elimination System.
Therefore we decided to change the format to a full 16 Player Single Elimination, which will be played as Best-of-Five (Grand Final: Bo7).
It is now mandatory for players to provide their own webcam and be available for Winner Interviews.
Current Schedule:
May 13 : 1v1 Round of 16 + Round of 8 + 2v2 Quarterfinals + FFA
May 14: 1v1 Round of 16 + Round of 8 + 2v2 Quarterfinals + FFA
May 19: 1v1 Round of 16 + Round of 8 + 2v2 Semifinal
May 20: 1v1 Round of 16 + Round of 8 + 2v2 Semifinal + FFA
May 21: 1v1 Semifinals, 1v1 & 2v2 Grand Finals
Matcherino: Matcherino - Crowd Funding Esports
New UI theme - Tichondrius the Immortal
Tichondrius was the leader of Natherzim of the Burning Legion, under the command of Kil'jaeden and Archimonde. A powerful and cunning Dreadlord, Tichondrius served as an envoy of the Legion's will to Arthas Menethil , who eventually became the Lich King, as the scourge took over Azeroth.
Tichondrius, along with the other Dreadlords, commanded the Scourge during the invasion of Kalimdor. Tichondrius later met his end in battle against the empowered Demon Hunter, Illidian Stormrage.
Just like Tichondrius who couldn’t achieve all that he set out to do, our friend, Thiago Augusto Souza “EdGE” Silva was taken away by life before he had a chance to fully live it. He enjoyed playing the Dreadlord and so in his honor we present the Tichondrius Dreadlord Update.
The custom artwork is courtesy of Sergey Samarskiy. Theme put together by KaGe.
Map pool changes
Secret Valley replaced with Hammerfall
White Shore replaced with Ironshire
Chimney Isles replaced with Juggernaut
Vanguard Point replaced with Portal Roulette
Snowblind replaced with Full Scale Assault
Draw command was temporarily removed by the end of season 14. It is now added back.
Added a 180 seconds delay to the gg command, in order to prevent potential “teamkills” early into games.
Several minor quality of life improvements, bug fixes and updates:
Bandits Retreat: frogs no longer stand in the way when try to AOW creep the expansion gold mines
Full Scale Assault: now all starting locations benefit from proper treelines
Mount Hyjal: makruras will no longer be resurrected by runes
Royal Gardens: green camps no longer aggro each other
Sanctuary LV: wisps no longer accidentally aggro creeps at the left gold mine; it’s no longer possible to entangle gold mines on top of the high ground; added trees around the level 8 wizard gold mines to prevent accidental aggro
Removed Boomtown and Neon City
Added Fallen Esgaroth and The Juggernaut
Added Vile Reef and Tatsa’s Castle Gardens as part of an undocumented change in early April
All maps now have a trigger that allows players to vote to play with no chat at the beginning of the game. If at least 2 players vote in favor of “no chat”, chat will then be disabled for the rest of the game. This vote takes place during the first 2 minutes of the game. Thanks to ep123 for implementing that change.
All The Randoms
All maps in the pool have been replaced. Instead of 11 maps, there are 9 maps. The new maps are the following.
Echo Isles, Plunder Isles, Terenas Stand, Tirisfal Glades, Nighthaven, Duskwood, Lost Temple, Twisted Meadows and Gnoll Wood.
A shoutout to the map makers
A lot of the work you see on the maps that are tirelessly updated every season is thanks to the MMC (Melee Mapping Central) community. You might see names like Mafe, Kaer, rhythmt, Tenshi, Zucth, SaveOrcas, Lovestruck, and more mentioned often but they are all a group of volunteers who love the game as much as we do and have spent a lot of cycles building these maps to be up-to-date for us to play and watch games on. Previously they worked with Blizzard to provide community maps for the BNET ladder. Updating existing maps (like LR, EI, SV, and TM) and improving them is also a significant effort that we want to show them gratitude for. You can always say hello, post suggestions, or join in, on their Discord server:
Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games
A plea to the Asian community
Dear players from China and Korea,
This message is a plea to unite our efforts in moving forward the Warcraft 3 scene. One important aspect of not staying inert as a community is to play together and to play on new maps. We understand the nostalgia of bringing back the maps from the early days, but we’d urge to use them less in the tournaments. Some maps like TS, AZ, EI and SV have been played for years and have already gone through a natural cycle: they were adopted for tournaments, became classic and ultimately turned into legacy maps.
We believe at some point in the near future they should be rotated out. Therefore, we kindly ask Chinese and Korean tournament organizers, streamers, influencers, pro players and community members alike, to be more open to adopting new maps. Introducing new maps in the tournaments is a way for us to move forward. It is a way to take out pro players from their comfort zone to compete.
Build W3Champions together!
W3Champions is looking for .NET, TypeScript, and jQuery developers
While we appreciate PR submissions, we are mainly interested in developers that are willing to commit time and take ownership of their projects. We have few formal hierarchies and our approach is very free for all. We are always open for a talk if you want to inquire more about how you can help!