W3C Season 21 - Kar the Everburning
New UI theme - Kar the Everburning
We’re bringing back the Firelord theme from Season 14!
New Ladder Mode - Survival Chaos OZ
For season 21 we are introducing a new custom game ladder: Survival Chaos OZ, made by Stvel.
This version of Survival Chaos fixes bugs, opimizes scripts to reduce lag and FPS drop. AI unit movement and aggro algorithms are completely rewritten. 70% of all bonuses have been changed to make them more interesting and playable, new game modes have been added, and different modifications have been made to increase game variety.
New Ladder Mode - Castle Fight
After two and a half years in the making, Castle Fight the Definitive Edition is finally playable on W3Champions with a 3v3 ranked ladder.
Castle Fight is a Warcraft 3 custom game that has been played for over 15 years.
This map is among the core of what became known as auto-battlers. Each player have a builder & race of their own with a single last hope or "rescue strike" with witch to kill everything in an area on their side of the map and push back. Build structures with your builder which auto-spawn units or offers specials effects such as buffs or debuffs. With income at set intervals you build up your army roster with your allies and fight against the opponent team to take down their castle.
Castle Fight offers endless hours of thrilling action and intense competition.
Will you rise to the challenge and emerge as the champion?
DE is the ultimate version of the popular Castle Fight strategy game.
It has been thoroughly redesigned and rebuilt to offer the most polished, balanced, and bug-free experience possible.
Whether you're a seasoned Castle Fight veteran or a newcomer to the game, Castle Fight: The Definitive Edition offers something for everyone.
So if you're looking for the most polished and balanced Castle Fight experience ever, look no further than CF: DE.
Rankings reset and ladder changes
There will be a 100% MMR Reset for FFA.
There will be a 50% MMR Reset for Legion TD 4v4 RT and Legion TD 1v1 and 100% for Legion TD AT.
There will be a 100% MMR Reset for Direct Strike AT.
Rankings and RP will be fully reset in all modes so the leaderboards will look fresh after the reset. Remember, activity is rewarded more at the start of the season!
Map pool changes
Lost Temple replaced with
Melting Valley v2 (legacy rotation)
Echo Isles replaced with Boulder Vale (new map)
Echo Isles has had the most declining play rate over the last couple of seasons from all maps that were still in the pool. Legacy map pool (maps that will be rotated back and forth regularly season by season) now includes: TR/TS/MV/RoA/ES/AZ/TM/EI/LT/SV/SE
Rocky Ridge replaced with Rose Hip
Blasted Lands replaced with Market Square
Northshire LV replaced with Dragon Falls
The entire ATR map pool has been replaced with new, fresh maps
The map pool has been increased from 11 to 12 maps
A shoutout to the map makers
A lot of the work you see on the maps that are tirelessly updated every season is thanks to the MMC (Melee Mapping Central) community. You might see names like Tenshi, JaleVeliki, Kaer, Meerel, Mafe, SaveOrcas, rhythmt and more mentioned often but they are all a group of volunteers who love the game as much as we do and have spent a lot of cycles building these maps to be up-to-date for us to play and watch games on. Previously they worked with Blizzard to provide community maps for the BNET ladder. Updating existing maps (like LR, EI, SV, and TM) and improving them is also a significant effort that we want to show them gratitude for. You can always say hello, post suggestions, or join in, on their Discord server:
Build W3Champions together!
W3Champions is looking for .NET, TypeScript, and Rust developers
While we appreciate PR submissions, we are mainly interested in developers that are willing to commit time and take ownership of their projects. We have very little formal hierarchies and our approach is free-for-all. We are always open for a talk if you want to inquire more about how you can help!