Rankings reset

Season end tournament

The W3Champions Finals - Season 11 is a tournament organized by Back2Warcraft and crowdfunded by the community.

It concludes a 12-week-long ladder season, giving a chance to the top 16 players to fight for the top spot. It will be played on the W3Champions FLO servers.

The current reigning Champion is Happy, defeating LawLiet in the finals.


July 16+17: Round of 16 - Single Elimination

July 22-24: Round of 8 - Double Elimination

Confirmed Players:

Colorful - FoCuS - Foggy - Fortitude - HawK - Kaho - LuChaeL - Soin.

Matcherino: http://w3cfinals.back2warcraft.com/

FloTV in-game integration (coming soon)

Your streaming experience might be encumbered with ads but the developers of W3Champions brought FloTV to you last season where you can view games by generating tokens and catching the action with delay. Now FloTV is going to get better later on in the season.

In the new FloTV, you’ll no longer require a separate client, you can watch games of your favorite players and leagues within the W3Champions client. Click on the TV icon next to the CHAT button to see live games, connect directly, and observe the best of the best battle it out in a brand new client interface.

About FloTV
FloTV is a tool that allows you to join live W3Champions matches as an observer (180s delay) using the Warcraft 3 LAN client. We brought it to you live last season and we are now working on bringing a brand new update in-game which will come later.

FloTV Guide

Guide in Discord: https://discord.com/channels/688377338576109643/937638586340229131/938281675731923064

You can also use the .flotv command.

Bug reports

If you experience any bugs or desyncs using FloTV please report the ID of the match it happened in from https://w3flo.com/live in the Discord channel #flo-tv

New UI theme

Marin Bladewing chained the Horde in the last Season of Azshara. While the depths of Nazjatar were in slumber, the whispers of the forefathers of Lordaeron awakened in the wind. Infighting amongst former alliances and the strife caused by the Black Tooth Grin Clan at Crestfall demanded a new leader. Seeing his people flee and no one offering a hand, Admiral Proudmoore bore the burden of enforcing defenses. At the behest of Anduin Lothar, his old friend, Proudmoore asserts his influence on our new merchant-themed background for Season 12 that we call Proudmoore’s Legacy.

New achievement icons (coming soon)

Every achievement must be rewarded adequately in their effort. Gaining wins is by no means a simple task. All those battles fought with tactical and strategical choices have now a reward. The new portraits designed for races, tournaments, and more have been upgraded by Kenshin to provide your portrait that important flex before the match begins. Click on the image to see all the new icons coming soon!

New and Updated Commands


The -draw command will now decrease the required amount of voters for every person that leaves. (This makes it possible to draw on games no matter how many people have left)


A new command only for 4v4 games, allowing the team to coordinate voting to surrender so no one on the team can later be reported for leaving early.
The command requires 3/4 votes to pass.
We recommend to use it every game to avoid misunderstandings about when a game is truly over. Using this command might even become mandatory in the future.


Here is the current list of all map-related commands currently available:

Map pool changes

A shoutout to the map makers

A lot of the work you see on the maps that are tirelessly updated every season is thanks to the MMC (Melee Mapping Central) community. You might see names like Mafe, Kaer, rhythmt, Tenshi, Zucth, SaveOrcas, Lovestruck, and more mentioned often but they are all a group of volunteers who love the game as much as we do and have spent a lot of cycles building these maps to be up-to-date for us to play and watch games on. Updating existing ones (like LR, EI, SV, and TM) and improving them is also a significant effort that we want to show them gratitude for. You can always say high and also post suggestions on their Discord server:


1v1: Revisiting familiar maps and updating the existing map pool

The Solo Map Pool Status

Last season when we introduced Springtime and Rusty Creek we added two new maps to an already diverse map pool. These new maps are still being explored by our players on W3Champions. From our research, it takes a few seasons for maps to be fully understood by each race to bring about foundational strategies and build orders. So in that spirit, we decided to wait one more season before adding yet another completely new map.

Legacy Map Rotations

In order to keep the competition fresh, our plan is to now incorporate legacy map rotations every now and then. With legacy maps, we mean well-known maps that have either been in the W3C pool before or maps already known by many, because they were played in the earlier days of WC3.

For a game that’s been around this long with a tight-knit community, we ran a public Discord poll that everyone could vote on to get an impression of how much the community likes the options we proposed.
These were the results:

We will take this result as a baseline for upcoming season rotations and try to modify and improve the most problematic aspects of such maps over time and add quality of life changes to make them more playable while still preserving the feel of the original versions. This has already been done for one of the two maps added this season (see next section).

New(ish) Maps

The following maps have been added to the 1v1 pool of W3C

The most iconic map ever since the Reign of Chaos era. Establish your supremacy by taking control over the fountain of health, or build up a thriving economy to overwhelm your enemy.

Removed Maps

These maps have been removed from the 1v1 pool and will now be part of the pool for upcoming legacy map rotations:

Updated Maps

The following maps have been updated with the described changes

2v2 maps

Updated map changes

The following maps have been updated with the described changes

4v4 maps

New Maps

The following maps have been added to the pool

Removed Maps

Both of these maps have been among the most vetoed maps for several seasons now and we decided now is the time to finally remove them to make space for some new options. Additionally, we have found a fitting replacement for Market Place with Monopoly which supports that rotation.

Updated Maps

Build W3Champions together!

W3Champions is looking for .NET, TypeScript, and jQuery developers

While we appreciate PR submissions, we are mainly interested in developers that are willing to commit time and take ownership of their projects. We have few formal hierarchies and our approach is very free for all. We are always open for a talk if you want to inquire more about how you can help!