Name | Docs | Tech | Purpose |
---| (private) | matchmaking-service | Typescript, Node, Express, Mongodb | Main API for many other components. Sends and Receives data to ingame-client Creates games Runs the matchmaking queue Logs game results communicates with Flo
| (private) | | HTML/CSS/JS, JQuery | The in-game UI addon as seen inside reforged. Adds additional functionality to the existing Reforged UI Processes requests from users Provides UI for interacting with W3Champions Handles downloading assets
| | | Rust | 3rd Party game server implementation for Warcraft 3: Reforged Handles sending and receiving of data packets for Warcraft 3 games. Intercepts data for processing (e.g. save as replay actions, prevent muted players from communicating) Magic
| | | Typescript, Vue, Electron | Desktop launcher that automatically manages updates and flo connections Checks and Installs version updates Parent process for flo-worker.exe - The entrypoint for flo data transfer Reconfigurable Hotkeys PTR switching
| | | Rust/Tauri, React/Typescript | Next generation replacement for the launcher and ingame-client Serves both purposes in one desktop application Reduces joinbugs Better support for 🇨🇳 players Faster than ingame-client Decoupled from Warcraft 3 client
| | | .NET, Mongodb | Serves content and updates for W3Champions Syncs assets to cloud services Serves map downloads on demand (e.g. when entering a custom game) Serves Launcher updates & checks
| | | Typescript, Vue, Vuetify, Chartjs | Serves views for Matches, Rankings, Profiles, FAQ Localization for: 🇬🇧 🇷🇺 🇰🇷 🇨🇳 🇩🇪 🇵🇱 🇺🇦 🇧🇷 🇫🇷 Admin panel Displays Statistics
| | | .NET, Mongodb | Serves all content for Logs aggregated results from Matchmaking-service Readmodels for overall statistics Admin functions
| | | Rust | | | | .NET | Handles Auth for the website Serves JWTs for website login Handles Blizzard & Twitch 0Auth for the website Defines Admins
| (private) | | Python, FastAPI | Serves as a calculator API for complex mathematical functions for matchmaking-service Calculates post-game MMR Calculates team balancing for large team games (4v4 melee, 4v4 LTD, etc)
| | | Typescript,, Lua | Functions for Warcraft 3 maps, specifically the ones used for W3Champions ladder maps. Automates the injection of scripts via Typescript API Adds -draw, -workercount, -deny etc